05 September 2006

Have a look at this picture.


I've seen it in a number of places, one is here:


It states: 'This picture was taken in the south of Lebanon during the July 2006 war between Israel and Hezbollah, and it shows the Merkava destroyed, this laminated steel/nickel armored tank has been used thoroughly by IDF in their battle against Hezbollah resistence in south Lebanon. '

'shows the Merkava ' Wrong! It's not a Merkava, it's a Magach 7C, a modified M60 Patton! Much older than the Merkavas used this year in Lebanon.

' This picture was taken in the south of Lebanon during the July 2006 war between Israel and Hezbollah ' Wrong! Magachs were not used in Lebanon in July 2006. The tanks used were Merkava mks II, III and IVs.

The Magach was not destroyed by enemy action. It's laying on it's side, no AT weapons will flip a tank of over 50 tons onto it's side! Also you will see in the picture Israeli service men just standing on the road, why would they do that in a combat zone?





1 comment:

Unknown said...

This picture has shown up again as a Merkava!
